Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Introducing the UpdatePanel Control

Enabling Script Globalization

Enabling Script Localization

Understanding the ScriptManagerProxy control

Understanding the Script Manager and how to add script references

Handling Timeouts

Error Handling Using the ASP NET AJAX Framework

Providing User Feedback

Creating and Consuming AJAX Enabled WFC Web Services

An Alternative Approach to Consuming Page Methods

Creating and Consuming Page Methods

Understanding Asynchronous Ajax Calls

Understanding the AJAX Traffic Footprint

Installing and Using Web Development Helper

An Introduction to ASP NET Ajax

Using the ScriptManager ErrorTemplate

Extending Existing Controls with the UpdatePanel

Introduction to the Atlas UpdatePanel

Installing and Using Fiddler to Monitor Async Data Transfer

Downloading, Installing and Inspecting Atlas

Introduction to Atlas and Ajax

Monday, December 23, 2013

FilteredTextBoxExtender control.

CascadingDropdownList control

ConformButtonExtender control

DynamicPopulateExtender control

AccordionPane and Accordion controls

AlwaysVisibleControlExtender control

validate the textbox manual code.

CollapsiblePanelExtender control

CustomExtender control

Ajax Control Tool Kit